Day 14 - More Formula Poems

Formula poems help you use language effectively. Knowing grammar and literary terms helps you to write vivid poems that show your reader a mental image. The better your reader can see what you are talking about, the more s/he will like it.
Directions: Write two Formula Poems using any of the forms below.
Directions: Write two Formula Poems using any of the forms below.
Title: Noun #1: Verb #2: Verb phrase #3: Three adjectives Title: Participle #1: Three nouns that do it #2: Two adjectives #3: Simile Title: Earliest Memory #1: Adverb (where) #2: Doing what #3: Two or three words showing emotion #4: Detail from the setting #5: Skip a line #6: Tell how you feel |
Title: Giraffes #1: Munching #2: Loping in the grass #3: Stately, long-necked, silent. Title: Jumping #1: Frogs, kangaroos, jumping beans #2: Happy, playful #3: Like a single heart Title: Earliest Memory #1: At the easel #2: Painting a sailboat #3: Intense, quiet, relaxed #4: Too much water on the brush #5: #6: Frustrated! |